Sustainable buildings will help minimize energy requirements and help reduce water consumption, use materials which are of low environmental impact e.g. low embodied energy and resource efficient, reduce wastage, conserve and enhance the natural environment and safeguard human health and well-being too.
While constructing a green home building, you must keep in mind certain factors:
Environmental factors: It is advisable to give due consideration to conservation and enhancement of the site ecology or biodiversity.
Look into how much energy is consumed: If suitable measures are taken to minimize energy consumption, high levels of insulation are adopted, it can help minimize energy consumption. Maximizing daylight and using energy efficient lighting and appliances can also help achieve the goals.
Transportation facilities: If the site of construction is nearby, it can help minimize the expenses. One should give due consideration to transport routes, proximity to amenities and places of work, space for home working also.
Water consumption: The quantity of water consumed, reusing rainwater, water efficient appliances, minimizing and attenuating surface water run-off to prevent flooding and pollution can all help save water.
Affordability: If it is proving very expensive, the cost of ownership can be minimized.
This can also help curb down the degradation of the environment to a large extent. The choices made now will influence the quality of life of the next generation. This can also enhance the look of the house. Sustainable building is not only eco friendly but also less expensive. Usage of natural, non-industrial materials, will also improve the energy equation when building.
Following certain green home building guidelines can help construct an environment friendly building. Apart from houses, architecture and design firms, construction and development, hospitality, and other service providers too have incorporated these guidelines. Such buildings are environment friendly. As compared to commercial sector, the residential sector has lagged behind.
Going in for such houses will help save a substantial amount of money too. Since, the products used for construction of houses are natural, they will be less expensive. You can make your contribution by opting for eco friendly houses. Looking online for information on construction of such houses can help get the required details about green home building. One can get all the required information about sustainable architecture and natural building.
About the Author:
Sadhna D, Expert author, Platinum status. Green building advice and tips: Green Home Building Guidelines
Free guide or assistance on Eco Homes: Eco Homes for Sale
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Sustainable Building Environment Friendly Dwelling!
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