With great enthusiasm you have now decided to build your green home. What are steps required to commence your green home construction? Well, for starters there are some basic questions, which need to be asked when planning green home construction. These basic questions are where do you want to build your dream 'green' home? What are the green resources locally available to you? What are the green designs suitable for your dream house? Who else is interested? Is there a suitable architect available? Can my authorities help me? The solutions to these concerns will clarify the way forward for building your green home.
The designs required for construction of green homes will depend largely on the geographical location you choose. If it were in the mountains, a different type of approach would be required, say to a house in the plains or the deserts or by the seaside.
The green resources available locally will come next in your checklist for your green home construction. Your choice would have to be sensible, even though plentiful organic resources are available. For example, choosing to cut down those trees which are plentiful instead of the rare long living variety which are much more difficult to replace. Using products made from material recycled from city's landfill is an option and could be your contribution to national resource conservation.
The dictates of weather will also decide what sort of green design you would want to incorporate. For example, sloping traditional roofs with runnels would be appropriate in wet weather climate rather than flat topped log cabins, which are more suitable for the mountains. Straw bale and compressed earth blocks are more appropriate for 'green' home constructions in warmer regions.
Involving other people is a positive way to ensure the viability of green home construction. Remember, a community effort is always better than 'going at it alone'. Safety in terms of finances as well as conservation of resources. For instance, common swimming pool, common solar panel grid, common water harvesting projects and common recycling plants can easily be shared by a community wishing to build green homes. Novices cannot indulge in green home construction. Get yourself a good architect with proven track record who knows all the pros and cons of green home construction. It would be his ken to advise you on the best tax benefits from the government, the best designs to incorporate and the best resources to use for best use of your money. That should be your mantra for constructing a green home.
Renewable & Alternative Energy Resources: http://www.alternativeenergybase.com
Find more information regarding green home building, visit GreenHomeGuide.org.
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