When building a house, it is important that a home owner studies the effects of the sun on his future home. He or she should carefully study the path way of the sun’s progress and its effect of heat and light on the rooms in the house. Many home owners build their houses negligent of this fact and then after moving in realize that the sun creates much more heat than expected within certain rooms of the house. Thus when designing the floor plan these are significant elements to take into consideration. Remember when constructing try to minimize locating the high traffic rooms in direct line of the sun’s travel.
Perhaps the best designed houses are known for making proper use of the physical setting and the natural landscape surrounding the house. Many home owners tend to forget the fact that the setting of a house embraces not only the immediate surroundings but also the distant views. A house can boast of a thousand times more beauty than another simply because of the surrounding natural features on the land. The occurrence of flora and fauna coupled with the way the sun rises and sets over a house certainly lends a home an aesthetic splendor!
For a home owner, understanding how the land and the house work in accordance with the sun’s movement can be done simply by studying the sun's daily path. Additionally, one should pay particular attention to the window location in the rooms as they stream light and heat indiscriminately into the house. Generally a home that is in harmony with its environment is open to sunshine and breeze, yet it protects and shades the residents because of thoughtful interior design. Ideally, during the construction phase a house owner needs to consider ventilation and heat as major issues of concern.
When considering the layout and design of rooms in a house, one must be wary of the climate. If a house is built in a tropical country then the scheme should be quite different to houses in temperate zones. Generally for houses being constructed in a hot humid climate or a hot dry climate, a home owner may want to consider a design that boasts of magnificent views of sunrises and sunsets while avoiding the heat. He or she should also focus on designing in order to allow cooling breezes to pass through the home naturally. Whereas for those who live in cooler climates, solar heating capabilities of the sun can be quite an advantage for minimizing heating bills.
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Article Source: Sustainable Living Articles
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