With today's political environment focusing on keeping everything as green as possible, the use of photoluminescent materials in sustainable building design is an idea whose time has come. The employment of photoluminescent exits signs and other self-luminous emergency egress indicators is an easy choice given all the advantages they afford. Let's take a brief look at some of the reasons why using these types of emergency exit signs is a terrific idea.
First of all, photoluminescent materials are about as environmentally friendly as you can get. These exit signs use no electricity, consume no batteries, and are virtually maintenance-free. There is no more hard wiring, having to search out electrical problems, or the constant purchase and disposal of batteries. You simply mount these exit signs to the wall and forget about them. They collect and store the ambient light that is available when the building is in use, and make that energy available when there is an emergency need. If the need arises, these photoluminescent exits signs can store enough of this energy to stay illuminated for up to three days. They are visible to a distance of around 100 feet in dark or smoky conditions, serving as a beacon during a blackout or fire.
As a result of this energy conservation, these photoluminescent exits signs can save your company thousands of dollars yearly in energy costs, as well as dramatically improve the carbon footprint left by your building. Use of photoluminescent materials in your sustainable building design can reduce air pollution by nearly a half a million pounds of CO2 when compared with incandescent signs over the life of the product. They are also 100% recyclable, and when or if you ever have need to dispose of them, they can simply go into the nearest metal recycling container. They are easy to install and a snap to move if needed; simply move the mounting to the new desired location.
Compare this to the hands-on time and energy required by incandescent signs and the other choice, tritium signs. Incandescent exit signs pose problems such as replacement, electrical issues, and more. Tritium exit signs are a wholly different matter, and have a large number of undesirable issues. They are made of a radioactive substance that is tracked and regulated by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and require special handling by a certified hazardous materials expert to dispose of properly. Moreover, they are no longer manufactured in the US because of environmental concerns and must now be imported from abroad. There are other issues to consider, but I think toxic waste is just about enough for anyone!
The best solution in luminescent signs available today is a company called Jessop Manufacturing, who have been in business since 1956. They offer a wide range of eco-friendly exits signs and egress indicators, available at a very reasonable cost and in several colors and configurations. They have become the unquestioned leader in this market, and you can find their products online at GloBriteSystem.com.
To learn more about how photoluminescent exit signs can help your company become more eco-friendly and save energy dollars in the process, visit us today at www.GloBriteSystem.com.
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - The Use of Photoluminescent Materials in Sustainable Building Design
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